Are You Truly A Horse Person?

There are many horse people in the world. But only few are True horse people. If they're true horse people, they can handle a Clydesdale with no problem at all. But if you're a begginer, there might be a few problems. On this quiz, you find out if you're a horse person. There are 20 questions so be prepared.

This quiz might have some weird questions, but hey! That's how it works. It would be really nice of you to take this quiz. Know what? Horses are really awesome and if you love horses, just keep thinking the whole time, HORSES, Horses, horses!!! Now I have a question for you, Are YOU a true horse lover?

Created by: ??
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If a horse was galloping towards you would you:
  2. If your horse cut itself really deep would you:
  3. Your mom said you either had a choice of horse riding or ballet.
  4. You have a horse/pony. It was your FIRST horse/pony. But it was 32. Your mom gave you the choice of putting it to sleep or let it suffer. Would you:
  5. If somebody says "DRIVE 'EM UP!" Do you...
  6. What would you rather have in life?
  7. Your bff hates horses and tells you to quick or you're not her friend. You choose...
  8. You're showing and your horse freaks out. You....
  9. Your brother gets mad at you and is about to go out to the barn and look at your horse. He brought his knife. You..
  10. Horses, horses, horses! That's all you think about, HORSES! Then, your first ever prom comes (and the only one) and you have a horse show at the same exact time. Aaaah!!!
  11. Would you rather..
  12. 3 bullies at school always call you: 'Zebra' you say:
  13. You had the choice to make a new phone company. You also got to choose the name! :) And you wrote down and chose one of these names:
  14. You wanted to make up a sport. SO you made:
  15. In horse language 'Ho!' means:
  16. Horses gallop, jog, trot, loap, canter. What else?
  17. People chat. Horses chat. People say 'Hi' and Horses say:
  18. When you say goodbye to your horse you:

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Quiz topic: Am I Truly A Horse Person?