Are You True to Yourself?

This is a quiz you must take with exteme truthfulness to yourself! If you really do answer truthfully, you can find out a little more about yourself in ways you've never looked at before!

Are you truthful, honest, or true to yourself? If you're not sure, I would consider you taking this quiz, because you can answer this question by answering these simple 10 questions!

Created by: Chelsea Day of
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you keep telling yourself questions like, "I am so ugly! I will never make it in life?"
  2. Do you tell your firends things about yourself that aren't always ture?
  3. Which answer best fits you:
  4. How often do you spend time hanging around the people most other people say are popular?
  5. When it comes to Christianity, what answer do you give people?
  6. Do you lie about things like grades and stuff to your parents so you won't get in trouble?
  7. What is the truest answer to the following question: Why do you lie?
  8. Do you usually lie about little things, or bigger issues?
  9. Are you okay with your friends lying to you?
  10. Are you really true to yourself?

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Quiz topic: Am I True to myself?