Are you totally obsessed with twilight like me? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you totally obsessed with twilight like me?

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  • 0% percent obsessed with twilight.

    Makes sense, the only thing I know about Twilight is that it's vampireish and that it exists.

    What I am obsessed with- Tigers and Platformers.

    *goes off to play the Unfair Platformer*

  • You are 100% obsessed with _Twilight!

    Wow! You are totally obsessed with _Twilight. You and I would probably be like really really good friends. You probably talk about _Twilight a ton, but maybe you talk about other things other than _Twilight sometimes. But, if you had to choose to become a vampire, you would probably say yes.

    yup thats me :)

    Mrs Edward Cullen
  • You are 97% obsessed with _Twilight!

    Wow! You are totally obsessed with _Twilight. You and I would probably be like really really good friends. You probably talk about _Twilight a ton, but maybe you talk about other things other than _Twilight sometimes. But, if you had to choose to become a vampire, you would probably say yes.

    i love twilight ^,,^ great quiz ^,,^

  • 67% yeah, thats pretty much moi!

  • You are 45% obsessed with _Twilight!

    You are kind of obsessed with _Twilight. You probably think about it sometimes, but it definitely isn't the only thing on your mind. You have many other things in your life to think about a book, but, when you have nothing else to do, you probably think a bit about _Twilight.

    -- true and im happy that ur not like other quizzes where they dont like ur result so they say mean stuffin the description xD i rated it 10 stars!!!


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