Are you the true leader of your clan?

Not many leaders are as good as Firestar. Too many leaders are evil. Are you one of those? I hope not. Are you the true leader of your clan? Find out by taking this quiz.

Don't be disappointed if you are not leader; some senior warriors are more noble than some leaders. It is up to you to serve your clan as well as you can, it doesn't matter how you do it-loyalty is all that matters.

Created by: Rainclaw
  1. Do you trust senior warriors?
  2. Are you patient?
  3. How many lives do you have?
  4. Who would you rather be?
  5. If you were an apprentice, who would your mentor be?
  6. Who do you think is more of a hero?
  7. Who is more like you?
  8. A kit from another clan is trapped in a fox trap. What do you do?
  9. Choose one warrior name ending, based on your personality?
  10. Which leader would you rather be?

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Quiz topic: Am I the true leader of my clan?