Are you smarter than a seventh grader? | Comments

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  • Hey, it's just for fun. I'm sorry if I goofed up on the scientific notations.

    But seriously, you don't know what an axon is? Do you take science? Or health? They should be teaching that.

  • The answer to #3 is incorrect. In scientific notation, it can only be a single digit number joined with a decimal; not a multi-digit number. Thus making the answer 1.2 times 10 to the sixth rather than 12 times 10 to the fifth. Also, why would you make that last question count? That's ludicrous! I got 50%, never heard of a cell body in my life, isn't the nucleus the brain of the cell? And I'm in 9th grade, all advanced classes + 11th grade math.

  • I'm in 9th and I got 80%, well Im still hate 7th grade !

  • really i don't know whats an axon! i am in 8th! wow 90%


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