Are you smart enough to go to college?

Should you go to college? This is most people's goal after high school. Are you smart enough for college? If you don't do well on this quiz you should consider community college.

Are you a genius? Some people are really smart. You don't have to be a genius to be good at school. There are other ways to determine if someone is a genius or not.

Created by: Serge

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How good of note taker are you?
  2. How good of test taker are you?
  3. Are you good at studying?
  4. High School GPA
  5. Have you ever taken an AP class in high school?
  6. Highest level of math completed
  7. Has anyone every called you smart before?
  8. How do you study?
  9. How did you do on the ACT or SAT?
  10. What's most important about college?

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Quiz topic: Am I smart enough to go to college?