Are you rich or poor?

This quiz was for me to see how many people are rich and poor. 60 percent of you will lie and the rest will tell the truth. That is only 20 percent. Good Luck!

Are you rich or poor? It really depends if you lying or not. Just answer 12 questions to find out. Either if you are poor or rich, remember be thankful.

Created by: Erykah
  1. Do you own a mansion or standard home?
  2. Do you own a mansion or standard home?
  3. How much allowance do you get?
  4. What do you wear on a regular basis?
  5. Do you have a lot of land?
  6. Do people like you at school?
  7. Do you have food on the table everyday?
  8. Did you lie on most of these questions?
  9. Do you hate being rich or poor?
  10. I have no other questions but this website requires 12 questions.

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Quiz topic: Am I rich or poor?