How Rich Do You Look To Other People?

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How Rich Do You Look To Other People? Do you look like a billionaire, millionaire, upper class, middle class, lower class, or homeless? Take this quiz to find out exactly how rich you appear to other people! This quiz was carefully made to accurately tell you how rich you look, so take caution before proceeding to take this quiz because you are going to find out the truth!

If you are ready to find out how rich you really look to other people, then take this quiz now but be careful because this quiz is going to tell you the complete truth!

Created by: GlitterCakes
  1. On a cold winter day, what do you generally wear?
  2. Let's say that you're going shopping for only 2 things, a new pair of pants and a new top. Approximately how much do you spend on these two items when you go shopping?
  3. Do you ever wear clothing that was already used when you got it?
  4. Which of the following selections do describes your attitude towards worn out, ripped, or holes on clothes?
  5. Which of the following selections describes your attitude towards cosmetics?
  6. How do you feel about flip-flops?
  7. Do you generally dress more casual or classy?
  8. Which of the following selections describes your attitude towards jewelry?
  9. Which of the following selections describes your attitude towards backpacks and purses?
  10. Do you dress up for special events, such as weddings, birthday parties, etc....?
  11. Do you ever wear sweats (gym clothes) in public?
  12. What type of phone do you carry with you in public?
  13. What does your hair generally look like?
  14. Which of the following selections describes your nails?
  15. What is your opinion of Victoria's Secret?
  16. When was the last time you went shopping for new clothes?
  17. Is it important for you to buy clothing that is on sale?
  18. Which of the following statements is true about you when you're going out on a date?
  19. How often do you wear heels?
  20. Where does the majority of your clothing come from?

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Quiz topic: How Rich do I Look To Other People?

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