Are you ready to babysit

This quiz will tell you if you are a good babysitter or not if your feelings get hurt I'm so so sorry for making anyone feel bad from there result so.

If anyone feelings get hurt because of the result of the quiz sorry but now I have nothing else to say sooooooooo byucdabkhuhbkuhbbhbhjgjfvgguhggff bye

Created by: Emma
  1. When Ms.Miller is leaving Jacob starts to cry what do you do?
  2. Lydia is bored and wants to play but Jacob wants to do schoolwork so he can get it over with what do you do?
  3. Lydia and Jacob wants a snack. What do you give them
  4. Park time. At the park Jacob was running but not looking on where he was going and now he scraped his knee what do you do
  5. Lydia wants to go home because she is scared on what happened to Jacob
  6. Dinner time what do you feed them
  7. Bed time but Jacob wants to go play a game
  8. Everyone's a sleep what do you do
  9. The parents are home what do you say
  10. The parents ask if you want to come again
  11. How much money do you want

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Quiz topic: Am I ready to babysit
