Are you my type? (only guys ;D)

well do u wanna noee f ur my type? or just a niqqer that needs some changes:P well i just did this bcuz i was bored asss fuk -.- & dontt judge my boredisum d: lol now just takee it -.-

well r u my type? can you be "that guy" . lol lmao nahh jk lol i dont knoo u i might date you lol jkjk :P just stop waisting ur time &&' take the damm quiz -.- (:

Created by: Mercii
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is ur hair? :P
  2. Which one of these best describes you? Be Honest (:
  3. Do you have any of the following?:|
  4. Which of the following describes how you dress? (:
  5. Which one of these is you? ;]
  6. What is ur personality? :D
  7. Do u thinks ur cute?^-^
  8. Whats ur favorite Game on the Xbox360? c:
  9. Which of these do you like to do?
  10. Almost done c: (no effect)
  11. Okey.. whats better...Modern Uggh Warefare :P or... Gears of War 2 ! !:D
  12. Last question...? Do u really think ur my type?no effect c:
  13. okey i lied ^-^ ... which is ur favorite Smiley?:D no effect.......

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Quiz topic: Am I my type? (only guys ;D)