Are you my exact opposite?

It takes alot to be my opposite. You have to have all the wrong ideals and bad judgement choices. It's a good thing to get a low score and you will probably be a little bit my opposite anyway.

Could you be my exact opposite? Maybe. Who knows take the test to figure it out. Oh, by the way if you are a guy you have a definite chance of being my opposite.

Created by: SmartChick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite color?
  2. Ideal date setting?
  3. Can you curl your toungue?
  4. On a good day: Your parent(s): I love you.
  5. Lady Gaga
  6. God is _______.
  7. Sex?
  8. This is a random question but answer it. In a zombie attack how long are living?
  9. Can you ride a bike?
  10. This is the last question.

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Quiz topic: Am I my exact opposite?