Are you mentally insane?

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Are you really insane? Today we can find you! This quiz is not 100% accurate and there might be some mistakes, don't take this quiz too seriously! Stay safe!

If you didn't know, about 970 million people are insane, which is alot of people. Almost one billion! Now we will see, if you are also one of them....

Created by: Pete
  1. Are you taking this quiz voluntarily?
  2. Do you ever see or hear things when no one is around?
  3. Do you think people around you are judging you all the time?
  4. Do you like seeing blood?
  5. Did you ever consider self-harm?
  6. Do you think there are people that are out to get you?
  7. Do you like yourself?
  8. Do you have friends?
  9. Why do you have friends?
  10. Do you make jokes about violence?
  11. Do you ever talk to yourself?
  12. Do you ever laugh out of nowhere?
  13. Is it important to blend in with society?
  14. Do you fear death?
  15. Are you answering this questions honestly?
  16. Do you see things that others don’t?
  17. Do you hear things that others are not able to hear?
  18. Have you ever talked to someone that no one else could see?
  19. Do you often lose track of time?
  20. Do you control your emotions?
  21. Have you ever had the desire to hurt someone?
  22. Do YOU think you are insane?
  23. Do you think life is just an illusion?
  24. Do you have a feeling, like someone is always watching you?
  25. Do you have an imaginary friend?
  26. Do you think you are losing your mind?
  27. Do you know who you are?
  28. Do you feel like someone is controling you?
  29. Do you go outside often?
  30. Can you tell the difference between your dreams and reality?
  31. Are you on any sort of medication?
  32. Which one is true about you when it comes to drug and alcohol consumption?
  33. What is the point of life?
  34. Do you like hurting animals?

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Quiz topic: Am I mentally insane?
