(CW self-harm) Good vibes for everyone

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Hi everyone! If you don't self-harm or get triggered by discussions of the topic, probably move on, but if you do; this is my attempt at spreading some good vibes to those of us who feel lonely. The last one of these quizzes was terrible, so have this instead, and stay safe.

***Huge disclaimer: Please do not take anything here as professional advice*** Every result this quiz assigns will be designated an animal, for no particular reason, mainly because I want to make your day a little better.

Created by: Stray
  1. Do you have a preferred distraction?
  2. Do you struggle with dysphoria or dysmorphia?
  3. Do you have ADHD? (If so hi hello same here)
  4. Do you struggle with any of the following?
  5. Do you often feel you struggle to pinpoint why you self-harm?
  6. Does self-harm make you feel grounded, in the sense that you feel more like yourself afterwards?
  7. Were you assigned the wrong gender at birth?
  8. Do you struggle with hyper sensitivity towards rejection?
  9. Do your emotions fluctuate in a way that is harmful to you?
  10. Do you feel your self-harm isn't bad enough? (it is, by the way-)
  11. And a freebie, won't affect your answers: Whats your favourite snack out of those listed below?

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