Are you mentally disabled? | Comments

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  • This was awful. I hope this doesn't seem hurtful, but...

    I'm autistic, have severe social anxiety, adhd, depression, etc, etc.

    I have a lot of trouble talking to others, reading emotions, making friends, communicating, stimming, etc.

    The questions were not at all related to being mentally disabled.. For example, good questions to ask would be:

    "Are you able to communicate effectively with others"

    "Do you have trouble maintaining relationships"

    "Do you have trouble understanding things such as jokes that others find easy to understand"

    "Do you have a mental health diagnosis"

    "Is your job status effected by your mental health"

    "Can you read others emotions"
    "Have you ever considered ending your life"
    "Are you usually alone?"
    "Do you have a speech impairment?"
    "Have you ever hurt yourself?"

    "Are others in your family worried about you?"

    "Have you ever been bullied?"
    And questions like these.

    NOT just asking questions like 'click the odd one' or literal trivia questions. If you didn't know, not knowing My Little Pony Characters doesn't mean you're disabled. And not knowing who the heck Justin Bieber is is fine!

    Literally, being disabled doesn't mean you can't do anything right. This bothers me a lot... and I find this quiz offending and hurtful.

    Hopefully this doesn't sound rude, just putting the info out there so that people understand those with disabilities much easier.


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