Are you MATY Mod Material?

This quiz has been meticulously designed and developed by a highly skilled team of UglyButts. It is designed to determine which candidates are best qualified to become the new moderator of MATY.

This quiz will test your abilities and qualifications according to a number of criteria developed through a painstaking discussion process. The annointed candidate will be, among other things, smart, loyal, reliable and willing.

Created by: rohina of rohina's sims
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your IQ?
  2. T or F?
  3. Which of the following numbers is different from all the others: -1, e, the Golden Ratio, 11/17, i.
  4. Have you ever failed us?
  5. Which parts of MATY do you read regularly?
  6. Which planet are you from?
  7. What was your NatG score?
  8. Has Pescado given you a nickname?
  9. Is your Simself in Awesomeland?
  10. What do you think is the main purpose of the Senate?
  11. Are you a mod or an official on any other forum?
  12. How frequently do you visit MATY?
  13. What is your favourite MATY holiday?
  14. Can you find your ass with both hands?
  15. When did you register on MATY?
  16. What is your alltime favourite MATY thread?
  17. What is your favourite lolcat?
  18. Have you ever glomped?
  19. Do you want to be the new MATY mod?

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Quiz topic: Am I MATY Mod Material?