Are you Left-Brained or Right-Brained?

Hello everybody! Have you ever heard of left- or right-brain dominance? Well, regardless of if you have or haven't, this is a quiz to help you find out which side of your brain is more dominant than the other. If your results say you are right-brained, that means that you are artistic, creative, and free-thinking. You tend to look at the bigger picture more than the small details, and rely on your intuition more. Left-brain dominant people tend to be more analytical thinkers, and rely on facts. Or perhaps you identify with both groups, landing somewhere in the middle.

Just to let you know: Some people believe that left and right brain dominance is a myth. Whether you believe in this or not, it is still fun to find out which part of your brain acts more, or to find out more about your personality. The results may surprise you! Try this quiz with your friends and family and find out which side of the brain spectrum they are on!

Created by: Jenna
  1. Are you excited for this quiz?
  2. Okay then, let's start. Do you find it easier to remember names or faces?
  3. You can choose to take one of these classes in school: Science, math, art, writing, dance, or a different language. Which one do you pick?
  4. You are sitting in a class at school, but you aren't very interested in the lesson. What do you do?
  5. Do you often create lists?
  6. You are a detective tackling a difficult case. Suddenly, a strike of intuition hits you, and you feel like you know who the criminal is. However, you already have many facts proving it is somebody else. Which do you follow?
  7. Do you regularly find yourself daydreaming?
  8. Oh no! You totally spaced out and accidentally scheduled two events at the same time. You can go to an arts and crafts class or a STEM (Science, technology, math, and engineering) class. Which one do you go to?
  9. Do you take risks often?
  10. You are having a conversation with many people, and want to understand what they are saying to the best of your ability. What helps you understand what they are saying best?
  11. Which of these jobs would you rather have?
  12. Alright, last question. Your answer on this means everything.
  13. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Left-Brained or Right-Brained?
