Are you in Love with Computers?

You may think you love computers, but do you really? Love is something generated by only the strongest emotions. So, are you going to sit there, pondering, or are you going to take my test?

Well, if you do take this test, I assure you, you will have the answer that you may not have expected. But why am I keeping you? Go ahead and take the test, you have my permission.

Created by: Wayne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you choose a 5 Terabyte Laptop or a Football signed by the greatest Football players in history?
  2. What is your favorite CPU Language?
  3. Have you ever made a Website/Flash Game?
  4. Do you play MMORPGs?
  5. Do you tend to your computer like it is a living being with feelings?
  6. Do you chat online?
  7. Has there been any vocabulary in this quiz that you know not the meaning of.
  8. About how many hyperlinks are in your Favorites Bar?
  9. About how many accounts on this computer do you have? (I.E.: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc.)
  10. About how much time per DAY do you spend on your computer (for enjoyment, not business.)
  11. How much wood could a wood-chuck chuck if a would-chuck could chuck wood?
  12. Have you ever been caught using your computer during school or any other time when you shouldn't be?
  13. FINAL QUESTION: Have you gotten addicted to a game/site/etc. on the computer?

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Quiz topic: Am I in Love with Computers?