How much you are into computers

There are people who say they are into computers but few people who are totaly into computers. Another name for someone who is into computer is a geek as geeks are into technology

Do you think you are that into computers. Well take this quiz and you will find out if you are a geek or someone who thinks a computer is magic. This quiz will take a few minutes but will reveal a lot

Created by: tudor
  1. how long have you used computers
  2. Whats your default operating system(If you answerd First time in the last question an operationg system is the thing that loads when you start your comuter)
  3. Do you like Windows
  4. Do you know whats in a PC, if so how do you know
  5. Have you edited a bit of the actual code(Change the source code in Linux or use three-party software to read it(it voids the licence))
  6. Do you have a laptop
  7. Do you play parodies of windows
  8. Do you worship Bill gates and/or steve balmer
  9. Will you make computers in the future
  10. speaking of future do you have the latest hardware
  11. Last question how much do you use your computer and for what

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