are you in love?

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have you totally fallen for your crush/boy/girlfriend? Find out with this quiz! This will tell you how much you are in love. Ahhh... Lovely Daydreams and fun dates... Enjoy it!

Good luck with this quiz: i hope it makes things maybe a little clearer for your relationship.(Even if you have never said a word to them in your entire life)

Created by: rikkitiger
  1. have you ever had a boy/girlfriend? -boy/girlfriend meaning you have seen him/her and met him/her on a date outside of school
  2. did you have fun on that date (If your answer was yes)
  3. how do you feel when you see him/her? (be honest)
  4. what does he/she say about your appearance?
  5. what do think of wearing to see him/her?
  6. what do your friends say about your crush/boy/girlfriend?
  7. have you kissed your crush/boy/girlfriend in dreams?
  8. do you daydream about him/her?
  9. do you blush when he/she looks/walks by you?
  10. when he/she talks to you, do you blank out or hesitate?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love?