Are you going to Heaven or Hell

Did you ever wonder to yourself when I die were am I going to go from there heaven or hell well this quiz will tell you your answer if you don't lie in all the question choices

Well are you evil are you good this quiz I made calculates all the evil and good things this you or you already do swirl them into a accurate summary of where you will go heaven or hell

Created by: Overmelting
  1. Out of all the people shown here which one is your role model.
  2. If you were rich what type of rich would you be
  3. If you saw a poor child begging for food what would you do
  4. If you were the president of the USA what would you do
  5. What job would fit your personality
  6. If you see a terrorist walking down your road what would you do
  7. Have you ever been incarcerated for major felonies
  8. When you look at yourself what do you see
  9. A person moved in next door whats the first thing you would say
  10. If you had a time machine what would you do
  11. Whats your favorite color
  12. Do you think that slavery should be legal
  13. If you one an award what would it be for
  14. Which do you prefer
  15. You see someone collecting money for the Salvation Army what do you do
  16. Which reference would most likely be yours
  17. Congrats you won one billion bucks what are you going to do with it
  18. What drinks do you drink

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Quiz topic: Am I going to Heaven or Hell