Are you funny? Or boring?

Sup. This quiz is meant to see if you are truly funny or not! And I know believe me I'm pretty funny! But at school I'm not that loud but I do have plent of friends

And at church I have the whole 500 something people who know me cuz I'm hilarious at church and super loud but I don't really know why there's a difference but o well

Created by: Kylie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you crack jokes in all situations?
  2. What is your favorite show?
  3. Do you ever make jokes in class?
  4. Do yo ever study?
  5. Who do you like more?
  6. What is your favorite time?
  7. Do you think your funny?
  8. Are you popular?
  9. What kind of jokes do you laugh at?
  10. Do you take quizzes often?

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Quiz topic: Am I funny? Or boring?