Are You From Camden

The are many cities but none as great as Camden. A lot of people try to pretend like they are a resident of Camden but they're not. This quiz will eliminate all the phony people who rep Camden when they have not one clue about it.

Take this quiz to see if you are REALLY from Camden. There no way to fail if you are really from Camden. If you are really a resident then you have nothing to worry about. Fakers beware!!!!!!!

Created by: shakira
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What school is not a school located in Camden?
  2. If you got shot you would go to which hospital?
  3. Do you remember Fun Day?
  4. What was the name of the Catholic school located on Park Blvd ?
  5. Tamarack Apartments is formally known as what?
  6. Who is the mayor of Camden?
  7. Have you ever had a "Donkey"?
  8. What is not part of camden?
  9. Have you or anyone yoy know ever signed outside of the County?
  10. Do you remember Skateland?

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Quiz topic: Am I From Camden