Are you FireStar or TigerStar ?

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Hello, this quiz will say if you are FireStar or TigerStar. This is my first quiz so im sorry if the orthograph is bad but hope you will still enjoy :3

The Drawings are not by me they belong to they respectful owners. Tell me if i should do more Warrior Cats quiz or if i should do other type of quiz :3

Created by: Imdacat
  1. Are you ready for the quiz ?
  2. What will you do if someone or your friend break the code ?
  3. If you could kill the leader to be the leader will you do it ?
  4. Do you like your clanmates ?
  5. If a cat attack you, will you kill them ?
  6. Will you be loyal to you clan ?
  7. Do you prefer SquirrelFlight or HawkFrost ?
  8. You prefer SandStorm or GoldenFlower
  9. Did you like this quiz ? :3
  10. Do you prefer FireStar or TigerStar ?

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Quiz topic: Am I FireStar or TigerStar ?

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