How much do you know Firestar?

Many people know Firestar; at least the ones who read the Warrior series. He is brave, loyal, and compassionate about his clanmates; at least some....

Do YOU know him? His sworn enemies, best friends, and some in between? You will find out. Now is the time; We will go back to the very first book in the entire series...

Created by: Rockstream
  1. In the beginning, Firestar was a...
  2. What was his name before he joined the clan?
  3. Who did he see when the cats offered him Clan life?
  4. Which clan did he join, and what was his name?
  5. Who were his best friends?
  6. What happened when Tigerclaw sent him hunting near the Twolegplace?
  7. Who did he find while on his first solo?
  8. What did Bluestar ask the three apprentices to do with her?
  9. Bluestar said for who to do what outside Mothermouth?
  10. What happened to the cats on their return journey?
  11. What happened to Ravenpaw?
  12. Who did Firepaw fight in the battle between Thunderclan and Shadowclan?
  13. What was his warrior name?
  14. Who did he make an enemy of?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Firestar?