Are you fat, chubby, or normal? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you fat, chubby, or normal?

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  • I'm not 56% fat! I'm 100% fat and I love it! I'm bed bound and I'm only 13! I weigh about 753 pounds. I want to get fatter! My friends family and doctor are worried about my Heath but I'm fine. My doctor said I'll die in a year if I don't eat write but I don't care! I have Diabetes type 2 and Haret conditions but I love being fat!

  • Fatty 80%

    You past chub and on your way to obese! I hope you decide to make a lifestyle change and get healthy. You probably have those fat rolls and you have a muffin top... Dont even get me started on the love handles!

    30% GaXiner

  • I am normal!!!and i love it wow

  • srry i didnt really like it...


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