Are you dumb or smart?

Welcome,Welcome to the house of quizzes! Today's quest is the: are you dumb or smart test! We are not insulting u if u r dumb but u can be a good grade for you.

Come test this out or otherwise u can never see how good or bad u are at math!! And just in case parents, go with your child or children to help them with any problem they don't know but if u don't know, just try ur best ^_^

Created by: Rustic
  1. What is 1+1?
  2. What is the box's name that markiplier uses on one of his games he played?
  3. What does sky love the most and hate the most?
  4. Do you know what. My name is??? O.O
  5. Who is the most hated person in the world?
  6. What is 12764823642387462387346238746238746x37423648237462834762384762428356238x4:87;3(8;(3$4)5($$)34;(x0x578:9384 equals?
  7. Did the last question blow your mind?
  8. What is 97+97?
  9. Are you done with this quiz yet or no because you can keep going if you want or you can rage quit and leave as a dumb baby
  10. Sense u kept on coming, time for your last question to see how u did...: what have you learned from this quiz?????
  11. Just one more answer. Sorry for the false trick on the last question: what is 12-12?

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Quiz topic: Am I dumb or smart?