Are you crazy? By Ella :)

There are many crazy people in the world and they struggle to find out if they are cray. How do you identify if you are cray-cray? Take this awesome quiz

Are YOU crazy? Being cray is awesome but some people don't get that so don't worry about your score! Take this awesome test and you will be sure to know if you a cray-cray!

Created by: Ella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are playing slender and you see him. Real life not video game!
  2. It's April fools day!
  3. Do you think you are crazy?
  4. What do you do in your free time?
  5. Do you watch vines? My name is Jeff, 21, maybe it's the way she walks
  6. Do you talk gibberish?
  7. What's your hair style?
  8. Wrestling!
  9. Is this quiz stupid?
  10. Ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Am I crazy? By Ella :)