are you cool enough to hang around me?

Do you want to know if you are cool enough to hang out around me? Do you want to know the real me? Are you even cool enough to know me? If you are not sure, then take this quiz! You may even find something out that nobody else knows!

Are you cool enough to hang around me? Do you think you know me? Test your skills and take this quiz to find out! Who knows, maybe you will even find something out about me that you never knew before!

Created by: tommy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know me enough to tell me a main thing I like to do?
  2. What kind of clothes do I wear?
  3. Do you think you are my friend?
  4. What type of kid am I?
  5. Would you do anything to anything to me while I was asleep...?
  6. Would you show off in front of other friends by doing something bad to me?
  7. if I were dangling from a cliff and you were right there and your other choice was $1,000,000, what would you choose?
  8. Do you think you are cool enough to hang around me?
  9. Am I a loser in your eyes?
  10. Do you ever read the bulletins I post on Myspace?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool enough to hang around me?