Are you cool enough for me?

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I think that lots of people could be my friend. But the question is are you one of them, to find out you gotta take the quiz I made, dont worry we proably we'll never be friends.

I suppose you dont have to like me but if you take the quiz you can see how compatible we are. I think that you could be my buddy no matter how you answer.

Created by: Meg Elka
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. If you were an animal you would be a...
  3. You like ... the best
  4. You are a...
  5. Are you gay?
  6. You like...
  7. Music is...
  8. Do you like my quiz?
  9. You like what food the best...
  10. Do you have...friends?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool enough for me?