Finding My Rose Color

Surely you must be the SLIGHTEST bit curious to what color rose you are. Am I right? Well, you've come to the right place my friend! Simply take the 30-question test below [not counting the age and gender questions, which have NO effect on your outcome] and submit your answer!

Perhaps you're a red rose. Maybe a white. Black is a possibility as well. Yellow or pink might also be your outcome. Nobody knows...The test includes 2 parts. A questionnaire and a lightning round. All you've gotta do is answer each and every one truthfully, and there you have it! Click submit to find your rose color!

Created by: Mutt aka Paw
  1. PART 1: What is your birth month?
  2. What is your birth date?
  3. What is the ideal pet?
  4. How about your favorite myth creature?
  5. Your birthstone?
  6. How about your Zodiac sign?
  7. Aaand your crush's LAST name begins with...
  8. And are you a Zetapets member?
  9. What is your favorite genre of book?
  10. Last question for PART 1. What is your one sole desire out of these?
  11. PART 2: Just answer these questions. You've got no more info than shown, and these are just things you'd pick in a gamble, so to speak. 1 or 2?
  12. Black or white?
  13. Night or day?
  14. Scritch or scratch?
  15. Lead or follow?
  16. Pepsi or coke?
  17. Stone or wood?
  18. Mix or match?
  19. Good or evil?
  20. X or Y axis?
  21. Glass or steel?
  22. Feathers or fur?
  23. Spazzy or spunky?
  24. Bungee or tramp?
  25. Claws or paws?
  26. Smooth or rough?
  27. All for one or one for all?
  28. Big and tall or short and small?
  29. Wild or tamed?
  30. Fast or slow?

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