Are you capitalist, communist, or something else

This quiz will determine whether you fall more capitalist, communist, or something else. You may even be a mixture of views. Take this quiz to see your results.

Disclaimer: This quiz may not be 100% accurate. Rely on other sources to tell you. Also watch political content such as debates, news, ETC to help determine your views.

Created by: Jaresh
  1. Do you think we should raise the income tax?
  2. Do you believe healthcare is a right?
  3. Do you think abortion should be legal?
  4. Do you think college tuition should be cost free?
  5. Should there be stricter gun laws?
  6. Who should own the market?
  7. Do you think the working class is currently exploited?
  8. What industry is in need of the most reform?
  9. Who did you vote for in 2020?
  10. what party are your parents and what was the average party for where you grew up?
  11. Who do you admire?

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Quiz topic: Am I capitalist, communist, or something else
