Communist Songs Quiz

I don't wanna write such long and useless infoprmative paragraphs because this test just aims to assign you to a communist song if you're authleft or just end up being curious.

This website is cringe bourgeois reactionary counter-revolutionary NATO USA Western capitalist monopoly oligarch oppressive homophobic garbage to force me to write this

Created by: commie
  1. Do you think your nation is great?
  2. Do you identify as a communist, socialist, or social democrat?
  3. Glory to the Nation, or power to the People?
  4. Do you hate NATO?
  5. Do you want Authunity or Leftunity?
  6. How authleft are you?
  7. Do you want a market or planned economy?
  8. Preserve or overthrow the bourgeois democracy?
  9. Are you culturally progressive or conservative?
  10. What languages can you speak?
  11. What is your favorite motto?

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