Are you an american patriot | Comments

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  • Your quiz results

    90% congratulations on finishing the quiz, I hope you enjoyed it a


    You are a model to all other Americans you need to get into Goverment, brother/sister.

    Yay, I've done it!

  • further reformed again, bringing me up to 88% this time.

  • got up to 86% now, I think I'm good for now.

  • Genuine reform brought me up to 84% which Id say is pretty accurate for me. Im just glad I no longer fall for alt-autocracy on the fringe left or the fringe right. So yeah, hooray!

  • Your quiz results

    89% congratulations on finishing the quiz, I hope you enjoyed it a


    You are a model to all other Americans you need to get into Goverment, brother/sister.

    ahahaha, Putin worship is still an automatic disqualification from us patriotism.

  • Your quiz results

    20% congratulations on finishing the quiz, I hope you enjoyed it a


    Radical left winger, yeah you still need to get out.

    And, 1/5! If the real George Washington met you, hed be hanging his head in shame. He hated all political parties outright, and understood politics for what they are: not any different from religion. He regarded the position (of president) as no different from that of any other historical oligarch. Most oligarchs rule without the consent of their peoples, just as they did then. Despite that, its still much more common in the world than most people accept, just as it was the most common government historically. As a matter of fact, it was the only real government known to man pre-1901. After that, oligarchy began its inevitable decline into the (nostalgic) dustbin, where it rightfully belongs. (Continued)

    • Americans not only show the least shame of any country in their eco-destruction, but also have the highest carbon emissions in the western world both overall & per capita. Only China has higher CO2 emissions overall. What was also not a surprise is that the Anglophiles also showed less eco-shame than their contemporaries. Our government as we know it, is as dead as the myth that Billy Mitchell really did the first perfect Pac-Man. Both will cease to exist, or at least our government wont exist as we know it. (Continue later)

    • Even the infamous Supreme Court, Congress and Cabinet will all cease to exist entirely. Its only a bunch of random people in the (new) Senate led by a random person who must answer to the people for even the most unprovoked aggressor outright (which BTW, was what Hitler was). The exact ways of getting these new semi-federal districts the equal representation they deserve is still being debated. I however know of one thing thats for sure. Im literally, no really, Im going to kill someone if everyone still refuses to love me. And it looks to be clear that you butt-f---s really do refuse to care about me. All I want is for the next flying Mt. Everest to hit and destroy the capacity for any willful dishonesty, even if both the capacity for true honesty and every other life form has to go with them, since thats just a better fate than letting us lying, filthy humans continue to destroy everything in our path. Even if the entire solar system goes, at least that means that well go with it. The forces of nature cannot tolerate our unceasing dishonesty for much longer. People refuse to accept whats right for them, just as they refused to do then. Im depressed, I cant feel that even I can make a difference anymore, Im not lazy, my depression has just prevented me from being able to function like a normal human being. Nobody loves me, nobody loves me, NOBODY LOVES ME. Get a load of how easily most Europeans burn in the sun without the f---ing ozone layer that they goddamn tried to destroy.

    • No, really. Im legit (sorry). I really am. I cannot feel love for anyone, not even me. I cant love. I CANT LOVE. I only have the choice of killing myself. :(

      Even my cartoons cant make me feel better now. Its just too little, too late. We should all just f---ing kill ourselves.

    • I cannot love, I CANNOT LOVE. :(


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