are you an AB, DL, or both? (AB/DL/ABDL's only!)

(ABDL/AB/DL's ONLY! violators will be diapered, and locked to a wall for TWO whole days without being changed!!!) (people who call ABDL's names are PLAIN rude. i take a stand for ABDL!!!

(of course, i'd rather be diapered than wet my pants deeply) anyway, this test was made for fun, and isnt too accurate. if ur both, then good for you!

Created by: ABDL potato
  1. do you like diapers? (just asking!)
  2. what kind of diapers do you wear? (just asking!)
  3. do you speak english?
  4. how long do you ABDL?
  5. do you have an ABDL room?
  6. do you like squishing full diapers?
  7. what does the cow say?
  8. have you seen a diaper?
  9. wanna have DIAPER TIME?!?!
  10. if everyone wore JUST a diaper and their diaper bag, how full your diaper be?
  11. if you were in a land made of diapers and ice-cream, how would you react?
  12. is this question ten?

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Quiz topic: Am I an AB, DL, or both? (AB/DL/ABDL's only!)

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