Are You A Werewolf, Werecat, Or Vampire?

This is an only truthful quiz, only people that are ACTUALLY tell what they think for the answer can actually do this quiz!!! And if your one of those people that just want to find out.. Well...

Are You A Werewolf, Vampire Or Werecat? Find Out In Here! I Have Had ACTUALL Experience In This Kinda Topic, You Could Call Me The Werecat, Werewolf, Vampire Kinda Person!

Created by: xXElizabethStarXx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are You More Fast Then People At School/Home/Work?
  2. Do You Ever Howl At The Moon? Or Start Laughing, STUPID DOGS!
  3. Do You Usually Love Cats MORE Than Others Do?
  4. What's Your Favorite Color?
  5. Do You Call Your Friends "Humans?"
  6. Would You Rather Be A Werewolf, Vampire Or Werecat. Or Are You Just Freaking Out Wondering?
  7. Are You Offended Easily?
  8. Favorite Animal?
  9. Do You Ever Want To Just Run, Kill Someone, Or Bite Someone And Leave Them Bleeding On the Floor?
  10. Be Honest In This Question, NEED TO BE 100% SURE! Would You Ever EVER Kill And Betray Your Family/Friends/Or Life?
  11. If You Found Out That You Were A Werewolf, Vampire Or Werecat... Would you tell your friends and family?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Werewolf, Werecat, Or Vampire?