are you a werehyena?

Werehyenas are the rarest werebeasts, and i am a part werehyena werecat. We only know they might be alive to the werebadger's prophecy, and a few people claim to be them, and there's me.

Are you a werehyena? yes? no? well if yes, it's important all werebeasts know. Tell me. About 5 supposed werehyenas have talked to me on the internet, but they might not be. i'd be surprised...

Created by: LokiCat
  1. Are you very social and like hanging in groups?
  2. Do people often steal from you?
  3. Are you very clever?
  4. Are you loud, but have good hearing?
  5. Do you have sharp teeth and strong jaws?
  6. Do you gather in a group for support?
  7. Do you love the moon?
  8. Do you love meat?
  9. if you were attacked, what would you do?
  10. Do you have a group of friends or a large family, and if yes is there always a struggle for dominance, and are the girls always in charge over the males?
  11. Can you get angry easily?

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Quiz topic: Am I a werehyena?