Are you a true patrician?

There are many people with good taste in music, but few true patricians. Patrician is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a patrician? A patrician is someone who has an extraordinarily taste in music, is able to understand complex music, and see music through an entirely novel point of view.

Are YOU a patrician? Do you have the taste in music to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: scaruffi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of these albums is the best?
  2. What do you think of The Beatles?
  3. Which music related website is the best?
  4. Does a true 10 exist?
  5. Who has the best taste out of these people?
  6. How many of Scaruffi's top albums have you heard?
  7. What genre is the best?
  8. Which concert would you most want to attend?
  9. Have you been Tankled yet?
  10. How many albums do you listen to a day?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true patrician?