Are You a True Friend? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You a True Friend?

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  • I thought I was a failure and a fake friend but turns out I was 92% a true friend, I can’t believe it! And for “I am suck as a true friend” was about 34-36% But that’s okay.

  • You think of others besides yourself, you are always there when a friend needs you, you are honest and open with your closest friends. You are yourself around your closest friends and not afraid to be honest with them. Congratulations to you and your true friends! 93%

  • Your Result: You are a true friend! 85%

    You think of others besides yourself, you are always there when a friend needs you, you are honest and open with your closest friends. You are yourself around youe closest friends and not afraid to be honest with them. Congratulations to you and your true friends!

    26% You suck as a true friend!

    it says this because i said i wouldnt feel bad if they cried and dum stuff

    but im pretty nice im just not THAT sympathetic

  • You suck as a true friend! 77%

    You are self-absorbant, inconsiderate of others, and your only happy when you get your way, no matter who it hurts. Get a life! You need to grow up and realize that the world does not revolve around you and stop using other people for your benefit.

    Sheesh. Shut your flipping mouth of yours. Its not that bad, no need to insult you a hole


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