Are you a true belieber?

There are many smart people, but, only a small amout of Geniuses. Geniuses are very intelligent! A genius is a clever person who can find the key to anything!

Are You a genius? Are you smart enough to answer my Justin Bieber questions? Test your skills on my True belieber quiz!!Good Luck Justin drew beliebers!

Created by: Jaylee:)
  1. What year was Justin bieber born?
  2. what is Justin biebers middle name?
  3. What is justin biebers favorite food?
  4. What type of Animal does Justin bieber have?
  5. what is Justin Biebers pets name?
  6. What is Justin Biebers Half brothers name?
  7. What is Justin biebers half sisters name?
  8. what country was Justin bieber born?
  9. Who is Justin biebers Best Friend
  10. what state does Justin bieber live in?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true belieber?