Are You a Tomboy?

There are many girls out there, but I think there are 4 category's of 'girls'. #1. Girly girl. All heard of them right? #2. An average girl. They range from almost girly to almost tomboy. #3. Slight tomboy. They like to do tomboy stuff but also like to do girly stuff too! #4. Total tomboy. They are almost just like guys, but not quite!

So are YOU a girly-girl, girl, slight tomboy, or total tomboy? Thanks to this quick quiz. You can find out fast!

Created by: Mason15051

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your wardrobe consists mostly of:
  2. Your favorite sport would be:
  3. Your favorite color is:
  4. Your favorite music is:
  5. Where would we most likely find you:
  6. Who are your friends:
  7. How often do you go get new clothes:
  8. Your make-up consists of:
  9. Do you think that you are a tomboy?
  10. What's the best word to describe you:
  11. Was this quiz awesome?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Tomboy?