Are You a Teen Musician?

Welcome to the "Are you a Teen Musican?"³quiz!!! By taking this quiz you will find where your at on the scale of becoming a TEEN STAR? Have you made STARDOM already? Or are you close? FIND OUT HERE!

I would like you to commet if possible I took quite some time on this quiz, and would like to know just how I did... So please please please give me some good input without foul language please!

Created by: BandNerd2000
  1. Are you in a school band?
  2. Which is a brass instrument?
  3. What is marching band normally conducted in?
  4. What is used to conduct bands?
  5. What is the person called that directs MARCHING BANDS?
  6. Highest/ lowest sounds in bands.
  7. Can you read music?
  8. Which instrument has a REED?
  9. How many valves does a trumpet have?
  10. What is one of Beetovens songs?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Teen Musician?