Are you a Expert?

Welcome to the CrimsonBandit's Quiz. Test your knowledge of here. This is original, so if you say this is not, I wont care either way.

Also, don't cheat, please. If you're going to cheat, then wheres the fun in that? If you don't cheat, kudos to you my friend! (Also don't copy this quiz without my permission)

Created by: CrimsonBandit
  1. Name all regular 4 Ammo Types.
  2. What drops from the hatchet crate?
  3. What is the _______ Bunker called?
  4. When was created?
  5. Who launched
  6. What does a barrel do if you punch and break it?
  7. Name the Special Ammo for the special gun.
  8. Wow, you found a M249, what would you do with it?
  9. Are you a cheater?
  10. What ammo does the SV-98 use?
  11. Are you Corrupt X?
  12. Name all 2 Throwables.
  13. What can go up to LV3?
  14. Name all 3 Gamemodes. (Excluding Special Modes)
  15. Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata. Name the gun.
  16. How much damage does the fists do?
  17. Should you 360 fire?
  18. sndasfsdfdgdfhfghdfhfdghsfgdfhgdfgfgdgfoiacorruptxiswatchinguwoknasdsjdofinasdnfkjndsfkndngvknsdfniownsdfknosdngknsdlkfvnskdbnfkheesefdidoszfionsdbnfioadf Who's watching you?
  19. Almost to the FINAL QUESTION! Are you prepared?
  20. [FINAL QUESTION] Can you find more than 1 M249 in the same Building?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Expert?
