Are you a superhero

there are many normal people,but you might not be.take this quiz and find out if you are truly a superhero!!!!this quiz is cool, i is cool ,everyone is cool. are you cool lets all be cool ok that should be enough okay.please do my quiz.

are you good enough? can you save everyone from surten death.we'll have to see.this quiz is cool, i is cool ,everyone is cool. are you cool lets all be cool ok that should be enough okay.please do my quiz

Created by: nathan
  1. have you seen any films with superheros
  2. Have you ever helped anyone with a problem?
  3. are you straight
  4. who is your favourite superhero?
  5. have you seen any of the superman films?
  6. have you seen any of the batman films?
  7. have you ever kissed someone?
  8. do you want to be a superhero?
  9. have you got good hearing?
  10. Are you popular?

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Quiz topic: Am I a superhero