are you a sneakerhead? | Comments

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  • IMHO, I'm a sneaker head. I own over 800 pairs (close to 860, last count). I admit I am NOT into Nike Jordan or Nike Dunk in anyway shape or form, as out of the 800 pairs none of them are Nike Dunk or Jordan sneakers.

    The name of this test / quick should be: "Are you a NIKE Sneaker Head?" instead of "Are you a Sneaker Head?" because being a sneaker head is more than just one brand or a few models.

    What are my sneakers? Men's:
    Vans: Era, #95, Classic slip-on

    Converse: Chucks, Skid Grips, One Star, Weapons, One Deck, Jack Purcell, All Star 2000

    Keds: Champions, Triumphs, and my #1 favorite sneaker of all time: Men's Keds Surfer (1966 - 1972)

    Pro-Keds: high-top, low-top, CVO, and slip-on

    Sperry Top Sider: Canvas low and slip-on
    Urban Outfitter: CVO
    Puma: Clyde, Tekkies, and slip-on
    Adidas: Various models and styles

    Nike: Cortez (about a dozen or so) and several slip-on

    Alife: CVO

    Bob Barker: BBC Prison / Jail sneakers (hi, low, and slip-on)

    I have lots more manufacturers and models, I just don't remember off the top of my head. I keep meaning to finish building that database of my sneakers. I started awhile back but never finished it.

    Honestly, limiting questions about being a sneakerhead to questions about Nike isn't fair nor defines a person as a sneaker head. A sneaker head MUST be into multiple manufacturers, styles, and cover multiple eras of sneakers.

    Sneake rs are more than just sport shoes, PLUS, you need to show a knowledge of sneakers going back to England and they went by the name: plimsolls. You need to know when Converse started, Keds started, Nike, etc plus the names of sneaker companies no longer in business.

    Anyway , I apology for dumping, but I just take my sneakers seriously....


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