are you a slacker

There are many slacking people, but few are true slackers. If you want to find out if your a book worm, straight A student, or a complete bum take this quiz and you will find out.

Do you think you are a slacker? How about a semi slacker, or are you an all out bum? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this really cool awesome great terrific magnificent,(WHO REALLY CARES!) Just take the quiz and find out!

Created by: scott
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when you are given an assignment do you...
  2. On a test do you...
  3. When watching a movie in class you...
  4. if a friend asks to borrow your notes you...
  5. If given extra credit you...
  6. on a group assignment you...
  7. while in a chem. lab, the chemicals could be "explosive" you...
  8. on a fieldtrip you...
  9. do you...
  10. what do you wear to school...

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Quiz topic: Am I a slacker