Are you a skater or poser

Have you ever wondered if you were a skater or just a poser this is the quiz for you it will determan if your a true skater or a poser Are YOU a skater or a little poser anser these easy questions and I will tell you???

Are YOU a skater or a little poser anser these easy questions and I will tell you Have you ever wondered if you were a skater or just a poser this is the quiz for you it will determan if your a true skater or a poser yes its all the same i had to wright this lol

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you ride your skateboard everwhere you can or just carry it
  2. Do you sit on a bench watching people skate looking like your about to do something but your not
  3. Do you were skate clothes so people think your a better skater?
  4. do you baisicly always skate?
  5. what are you going to do after this
  6. Can you ollie?
  7. Can you manual
  8. what music do you listen to?
  9. whats shoes do you where when you skate?
  10. do you skate to pick up chicks

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Quiz topic: Am I a skater or poser You can find more quizzes like this one in our Skateboarding Quiz category.