Are you a real Potterhead?

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Hey, Muggle: Think you know all there is to know about Harry Potter? You'll need a nip of Felix Felicis for luck if you hope to get full marks on this ultimate Harry Potter quiz.

good luck Potterheads and I sure will take all the Felix Felicis myself because I have O.W.Ls coming up so I will need it more than you because you already know everything!

Created by: Alisa
  1. do you know Harry Potters middle name?
  2. do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
  3. out of 10 how much do you love harry potter
  4. ginny or harry
  5. this quiz is siriusly amazing
  6. Harry Potter or Edward Cullen?
  7. how many times have you read the Harry Potter books?(all of them)
  8. true or false?Harry is of the great lords
  10. who would you want to be

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Quiz topic: Am I a real Potterhead?

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