Are You a Real Fan Of David Tennant?

I know a lot of people who are fans of David tennant and I also know a lot of people who pretend to be fans of him so this quiz is to see which one of these YOU are.

So are you a fan? Do you love him to bits or do you just want to sell his autograph on ebay? This is the only quiz where you can find that out for sure.

Created by: mollie
  1. What is David Tennant's most famous part he's played on a tv show?
  2. What is his middle name?
  3. What 2010 film is David in?
  4. What colour is his hair? (naturally)?
  5. How old is he?
  6. How tall is he?
  7. David Tennant changed his last name?
  8. David Tennant is married?
  9. What month was he born in?
  10. Is he:

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Quiz topic: Am I a Real Fan Of David Tennant? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Actors and Actresses Quiz category.