are you a real demigod? | Comments

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  • Im definitely daughter of Apollo. Love poetry, I just start singing out of nowhere. I think Im pretty lucky tho, been living in mortal world never attacked. Always feels like someones following me tho, always gotta keep my eye out. I have a teacher thats kinda creepy, takes special attention to me, gotta watch him. Wish I could get myself to camp but I dont know and satyrs. Just gotta keep living the mortal life I guess. I do have two parents I think Apollo put me in my moms stomach and made me look like my mortal dad.

  • Your Result: you're a demigod 86%

    You are a demigod. I suggest trying to figure out your godly parent. Also watch out for monsters. I myself am a daughter of Apollo. If you know the way to camp half blood please comment how to get there.

    0% you're a mortal i know im not mortal XD but yeah every quiz i take says im a demigod my friend is a daughter of poisiden and her twin is a son of poisiden too im a daughter of jupiter obviously

    • ok every demigod here listen up its important the elders might be destroyed and turn into the demon of elders. and me and my friend dreamed our third friend was in trouble and she is bc of hades (no offense to you children of hades) anyways shes in trouble we trying to contact her to save her my other friend dreamed about the elders being destroyed and the demon of the elders woke i dreamed pretty much the same thing but i saw her fighting the demon of the elders using her water powers(shes a daughter of poisiden ) and i saw myself fighting something with my lightning and air powers (im a daughter of zeus/jupiter) if you know anything or have anything to say please reply we are in trouble.

    • I will try hep you I am from the eldest there after me too I am an child of Poseidon they want me dead too I need hep ASAP i might not know where to find you but the rest of the demigods not eldest aren't replying and that's why I did so we will probably meet each other while we are dreaming lets hope your not dead and you read this comment if you do happen to read it my dreams and our aura is strongest I am probably next to the demon of elders

    • I never knew these situations could have happened. The weirdest situation I remember happening was a person turning into a tree.

    • Ok listen up daughter of Jupiter camp half blood is said to be at 3.141 Farm Road, Montauk I dont know if thats true or not but thats all the info i have

  • I cant find camp half blood on google earth but thats probably because of the camps magic. I tried sending a letter to camp a few weeks ago and Ive heard nothing back im probably going to send another letter soon. Its fall and im getting nervous winter is coming and winter is the prime time for dark magic and monsters. I have the feeling that I am being followed but by who or what I dont know. I need to get to camp soon.

  • Ok Daughterofjupiter I believe you I don't know how I can help you but I can all I can give you is that I am a child of Poseidon I haven't discovered my powers yet but Im learning I dont know much but all I know is that a child of jupiter is with me There was me fighting this giant he was trying to scrape my skin of and some how I got a knife/sword and stabbed him. This happened in my dreams I am not at camp and I don't know if I can help you but we come from the eldest gods Zeus Poseidon and Hades I fall in that category for Poseidon In the quiz I got 92% half blood and 0% mortal this may be 9 months ago but if you ever do read this I will probably have a dream about the eldest gods lets hope we meet up in the future see ya cousin

  • I'm a child of Hermes. It is quite easy to get to Camp Half-Blood. Just find a satyr and ask him to help you. Also, it's on Long Island. Deserted road, middle of nowhere.I'm also the head counselor of the Hermes cabin. If you are a child of Apollo, then you will love your head counselor. He's Will Solace. Nicest guy in the world.

    Curo is best
    • How do we find a satyr allso who is the head counselor of the Eris cabin

  • Your Result: you're a demigod 79%

    You are a demigod. I suggest trying to figure out your godly parent. Also watch out for monsters. I myself am a daughter of Apollo. If you know the way to camp half blood please comment how to get there.

    52% you're a mortal apparently I was born of ares

  • Also all of u out there if u c this comment tonite at 12 am eastern time lest ryt to meet in a dreem and discuss we also need a plan I repete and other REAL Athena children plz help me with that btw has antoem red the percy Jackson herose of Olympus and trials of Apollo books anyway those mite help us I kno i hav red those and am very knowlageable on Greek gods titans herose monsters and much moredont forget 2 nite at 12 am eastern time

  • *Looks at the sun, trying to figure out which god am I the child of*

    Also, if you have a drachma, throw it to the ground, shout 'stop, chariot of damnation' in Greek. Take the Grey Sisters Taxi... If you don't get carsick.

  • I think I also was gifted with powers over water but evedance shows that i am not Poseidons child so therefore I hav prodicted with reliable evedince that Poseidon has givem ne powers over water because and what general kids of his would hav can someone respond and help me find CHD or Artemis and plz meet 2 night

  • I also saw an eidolones in mi house but it left because I think mi pocket knife iz celestial bronze I fear I am one very wanted demigod I think I might be in a prophecy but I hav no one I can talk to or no demi friends what should I do because I fear Arachne is after me and I am helpless against spiders I need advice do any of u hav sugjestions of how I can comsult the Oracle of Delphi

    • i have the same quetsions and idk who to trust or ask

      smtimes its like im going crazy

    • Crazy is all in you mind stand strong help will come to those who seek it

  • if ur a greek demigod go to camp half blood on long island sound in new york if your roman go to the caldecot tunnel in california which is the entrance to camp jupiter btw make sure you pack for that long journey and make sure you have a weapon and hope the people at camp beleive you unlees ur being chased by a monster in which case they will so believe u anyways my computer attracts monstrous attention and i feel like im being watched rn btw im 12 im gonna hope to go to camp soon

    • Im a demigod but I live in UK and camp half blood is all the way in NY how the heck am I gonna get there also I have been having some strange prophecy dreams There really weird basically end of world fire spreading everywhere complete destruction yeaaaaa not good but pls any satyrs pls come to meim in UK you should be able to track me lets just say in in London

  • All demigod quizzes:all yesses.
    Every quiz says my true dad is apollo.

    But i need more reliable source.A rational proof,you know.

  • I take so many quizzes on demigods and I always get you're a demigod or you're daughter of hades

    • lol same i always get demigod as a result and ive taken ALOT of quizzes except i always get jupiter not Plut-hades

    • same haha i always get demigod on these quizzes. i think my mom is aphrodite bc she was in one of my dreams after i prayed for my godly parent to reveal herself

    • Guys Aperrently I am 92% demigod
      And 0% mortal.
      I dont really good at my powers:))
      (Heack yea)
      So it works some times

    • All da Poseidon girls
      All da Poseidon girls
      put yo hands up!
      dats me

  • Guys also how 2 kno ur a real Demigid of Athena 1 r spiders after u and do u hav arachnefobia 2 r ur eyes gary 3 iz ur IQ higher than 130 4 iz reg school 2 eze and r u in any advanced program i will tell erveone who there real parent iz at the meeting cuz iam very nowlagable on demigods

  • Result: 93% Demigod

  • I am the daughter of Athena apparently.

    Beautiful Games
  • I got 76% Demi god

    Another quiz i did said im a child of Eris so theres that

    I live in flagstaff Arizona so if anyone knows how to contact camp that would be helpful

  • I am also a daughter of Apollo. (Says it right in the name :P).

  • Idk were CHB iz srry if mi spellingns of some of Itz txting ragner and im bysxic also Im a dauter of Athena () at least im 99.999999999999% shure also does anyone kno were Artemis iz I need to join her and dich males 4 ever (no offence)

  • everytime i take this quiz my result gets higher.without changing anything or reloading.whoa. :D wait.CHB's real?! :O

    • idk if chb or cj is real bc i asked my friend who got claimed and the said idk

  • Btw mi fav god is Poseidon and fav goddesses r Athena and Artemis

  • Am a demigod?
    Cool!!!!! ! :)

    Many quizzes said same and in the parent stuff almost everythin said ______.

    -The parent of the one who made this quiz-

    And for the abilities I have 'em too!!!!!! Like a lot!!!!!!!!

    Okay too many !'s.
    Whatevs. :) Cool quiz,BTW.

  • Also i red ur comment lineup an if I meet u I can tell u for I have been wrking on my facial reading skills and can help u also all of u out there I can help u to

  • We all need a plan 2 get to CHB otherwise we will fail also anyone else seen a dryad go into a teer or is it just me

  • How can i get to camp half-blood...

    (B TW: My first quiz said daughter of athena, the second Quiz said Apollo, 3rd quiz said posiden! WHAT THAT MEAN PPL!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!) ;D


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