are you a real bawdass?

this is for people who dont know what they want to be. they have no clue wut they r doing and cant make up their mind and also they like taking random pointless quizzes bc they r rly bored.

are you a badass? wuts ur potential? do u suck? r u gay? do u like being a badass? r u one?? if you dont have any interest in your life, then take this quiz!

Created by: jesse
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do u do at the movie?
  2. what color is ur hair?
  3. wut is ur name?
  4. do u...?
  5. wut is ur fave saying?
  6. do u like a guy named jesse?
  7. have u ever been accused of being a badass?
  8. u eat?
  9. i love:
  10. jkdahr

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Quiz topic: Am I a real bawdass?